Prüfung & Instandhaltung
von Brandschutzklappen
Duration of the seminar: Individual (max. 20 days until the exam)
People who are already familiar with the subject of fire protection or would like to get started in the subject of fire protection can use this seminar to make buildings a little safer.
Testing fire dampers ensures their functionality.
This means that the fire dampers work in an emergency and keep smoke out of the rooms.
An audio-capable device (PC, tablet or laptop)
Eligible to participate are people who are over 18 years of age, have sufficient knowledge of the subject of fire protection and who can be assumed to reliably fulfill the tasks assigned to them.
You have 20 days to study before the exam.
After the 20 days, the test will be valid for 24 hours. If the test is not taken within 24 hours, you will not receive a certificate/certificate of participation. If you fail, the test can be repeated once after 24 hours.
If the participant fails twice, they will not receive a certificate/certificate of participation.
Sachkunde Leitern & Tritte
Are they in constant contact with ladders and steps? Take part and learn how to handle and test ladders.
Ladungssicherung Erstunterweisung
Have you never taken part in a seminar on load securing? Get started now and drive your truck/car/van with peace of mind.
PSAgA Anwenderkurs Wiederholungsunterweisung
Have you already had an initial instruction and is it time for a repeat instruction? Sign up and get started.
Tel.: 02309 7861125
Address: Schlosserstr. 20
59399 Olfen